8vo (220 x 140 mm) 8 un.l. including first and last blank. Light red morocco, covers decorated in an irradiating style with gilt and silver points, turning in geometrical and concentrical circles around a stylized sun, flat spine gilt, inside covers and endpapers in blue calf, gilt edges, yellow printed covers bound in, matching chemise and slipcase (Paul Bonet 1947).
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Bonet, Carnets, 812.
First edition, published in this rare off-print of Mercure de France where the poem was included on 16 octobre 1917, later included in the collection of poems, Odes, in 1920 at NRF.
A lovely inscribed copy in a very fine Bonet binding.
“La confusion morose
Qui me servait de sommeil
Se dissipe dès la rose
Apparence du soleil”
Copy inscribed and signed “à Albert Mockel bien affectueusement son ami P.V.” Mockel (1866-1945), writer and symbolist poet, founder of the symbolist journal in Liège La Wallonie had published some of Paul Valery’s first poems.
Bonet notes for this binding, the third he designed for this title : “Il y a longtemps que je n’avais utilisé le point comme seul élément de décor. Il permet de conserver une apparence de grande légèreté malgré une construction rigoureusement géométrique” [It’s been a long time since I’ve used the individual point as the only decorative element. It allows me to maintain an appearance of great lightness despite a rigorously geometric construction].
Very fine copy in perfect condition.
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