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BOSSUET Jacques Bénigne Recueil d’oraisons funèbres.


Paris, Veuve de Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1689

12mo (164 x 93 mm) 2 nn.ll., 562 pp., 1 nn.l. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt, red edges.Joints restored, fine craquelure on the boards,


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Tchemerzine-Scheler, I, 862; Verlaque, p. 44 ; Brunet, I, 1134 and Suppl. I, 154.

Very rare first collective edition of Bossuet’s funeral orations. The collection contains the oratorical masterpieces composed by the bishop of Meaux at the death of Henriette queen of England, Henriette Anne of England duchess of Orleans, Marie-Thérèse of Austria, the Palatine princess, Michel Le Tellier and the prince of Condé.

“Si on compare les oraisons de ce recueil avec celles que Bossuet avait publiées, on remarque quelques différences avec le style. Elles sont dues à l’évêque de Meaux qui suivit avec soin l’impression de cette nouvelle édition de ses oraisons. C’est la première édition originale des six grandes Oraisons funèbres de Bossuet, réunis en recueil” (Verlaque).

The six great funeral orations of Bossuet were first published separately by Sébastien Mabre-Cramoisy in the in-4 format and at the date of their composition between 1669 and 1687.

The copy belonged to Émile Henriot (1889-1961), with his handwritten bookplate in black ink to the verso of the first endpaper. Joint: handwritten note by Émile Henriot on a small sheet of squared paper with the words “bought 1 franc in Toulouse 1910 (?)”.

A very pleasant and tall copy.

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