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BIROAT Jacques La Condamnation du monde, par le mystere de l’incarnation du fils de Dieu; preschee durant l’advent dans l’église de S. Germain l’Auxerrois l’année 1660.


Paris, Pierre Ribou, 1662

8vo (180 x 118 mm) 8 nn.ll., 671 pp. Contemporary red morocco, gilt corner pieces, central coat of arms of Chancellor Pierre Séguier (OHR 271), spine gilt with raised bands, gilt inner border, gilt edges.


First edition.

Jacques Biroat (born in Bordeaux, only his date of death in 1666 is known) was a preacher and adviser to the king, prior of Beussan and a Benedictine of the Cluny congregation, after having been trained by the Jesuits. His work Condamnation du monde was a great success in bookshops and was republished several times.

A fine copy bearing the arms of the chancellor Pierre Séguier III (1588-1672), a member of parliament, maître des requêtes, intendant of Guyenne and keeper of the seals. 

Devoted to Richelieu and Mazarin, his name is attached to the famous ordinances of 1669 and 1670 which reformed civil and criminal justice.

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