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MIZAULD Antoine Opusculum de Sena, planta inter omnes, quotquot sunt, hominibus beneficentissima & saluberrima.


Paris, Federic Morel, 1572

8vo (160 x 102 mm) 18 num.ll., 6 nn.ll. including 1 blank. Modern reversed calf, bound in style.


1 in stock

The first bibliography of the works by Mizauld

Durling, 3192 ; Dumoulin, 203.

First edition.

Senna, extracted from the pod of the blackcurrant plant, was used as a laxative. At the end of the volume is a bibliography of Mizauld’s works, divided into 4 parts: Libri Latini ; Livres en langue Françoise ; les livres en latin et les livres en français, “qui ne sont encore imprimez”.

Good copy.

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