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GUEVARA Antonio de Le Mespris de la court, avec la vie rusticque. Nouvellement traduict Despagnol en Francoys.


Paris, Guillaume Thibout, 1544

16mo (110 x 70 mm) 184 nn.ll. Eighteenth-century red morocco, gilt filet on covers, spine gilt with raised bands, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed).


1 in stock

Brunet, II, 1798-1799.

This collection containing Le Mespris de la court, followed by 5 pieces, was first published in 1544. Brunet lists 3 Parisian editions: Galiot du Pré, Guillaume le Bret and our own Guillaume Thibout.

The translation of Mespris de la court was published on its own for the first time in 1542 in Lyon. The original Spanish text, Menosprecio de corte y alabanza de aldea, was published for the first time in 1539 and was quickly translated into several languages, helping it to spread throughout Europe. The text is a satire based on the opposition between the court, portrayed as political and urban, and simple, rustic life. This is a theme that has been treated extensively in literature since antiquity. Far from being forgotten by medieval texts, it was revived by Renaissance philosophy. This text is followed by several others that not only provide an answer or a deeper insight into the question, but also play a major role in the Querelle des amies.

[Followed by]: Lamie de court inventée par le seigneur de Borderie. This text, first published in 1542, is de Borderie’s response to Castiglione’s Cortigiano, in which he flays the morals of the ladies of the court. The friend uses seduction for profit, she uses her lovers.

[Followed by : La parfaite amye, nouvellement composée par Antoine Heroet, dict a maison neuvue. Avec plusieurs autres composition dudict autheur. 

The text is contemporary with that of La Borderie, but adopts an opposite point of view. Heroët defends a neoplatonic love.

[Followed by]: La contreamie de court, by Charles Fontaine parisien. This text, first published in 1543, is a response to la Borderie. The counter-friend is the daughter of a merchant, who neither allows herself to be seduced nor corrupted. Guevara’s ideal of the simple life is well depicted.

[Followed by]:   L’androgyne de Platon. The translation of Plato’s text appears as a respite from the quarrel.

[Followed by] : L’Experience de maistre Paul Angier. This work is a defense of Borderie. It is a diatribe against Cupid by an honest lover. He laments being deprived of free will.

Fine copy. Very rare, USTC locates one single institutional copy (British Library). Small waterstain to upper corner of first 11 leaves

Provenance: Jean-Baptiste Denis Guyon de Sardière (1674-1759) with his signature on the title. Guyon de la Sardière was a well-known bibliophile whose library was acquired by Duke La Vallière – Philippe-Louis Bordes de Fortage (1846-1924), his book-plate on inner cover. He was honoray secretary to the Académie des sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts of Bordeaux and honorary president of the Bibliophiles of Guyenne.

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