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LUCANUS Marcus Annæus Civilis belli libri X.


Paris, Simon de Colines, 1528

8vo (159 x 93 mm) de 156 Eighteenth-century English calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red speckeld edges (rubbed and with old restorations).


1 in stock

Renouard, 125-126 ; not in Schreiber.

First edition by Simon de Colines. 

The text of Pharsalius by Lucanus is based on the Venice edition 1493 (“celui de l’édition donnée à Venise chez Simon Bevilacqua, en 1493, par Jean Sulpitius de Véroli et de l’édition aldine de 1502, mais revu depuis par Martin Besard ; il a été réimprimé par Simon de Colines en 1537 et en 1543”. Renouard). 

Texte printed in italics, with the typographical printer’s mark “Tempus 2” on the title, some initials. 

Some wear to the white in the title. 

From the library of the Earls of Macclesfield, with their book plate and the blind stamp on the title page.

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