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BOURDET Bernard Recherches et observations sur toutes les parties de l’art du dentiste.


Paris, Jean-Thomas Hérissant, 1757

2 volumes, 12mo (166 x 98 mm) XX, 310 pp., 2 engraved plates for volume I; 2 nn.ll., 333 pp., 1 nn.l., 11 engraved plates for volume II. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red edges.


1 in stock

Garrison-Morton, 3673,1; David, p. 39; Weinberger, Dental Bibliography, p. 21; Poletti, p. 30; Wellcome, p. 213; Blake, p. 61.

First edition. “Probably the most significant [French dental] author after Fauchard” (Garrison-Morton).

In this important work, Bourdet (1722-1789), royal dentist and private surgeon to the Comte de Provence, devotes several chapters to dental prosthetics. The first volume is devoted to everything related to morphology, physiology, dental and gum pathologies; the second deals with therapeutics for straightening teeth, for filling them, extracting them, strengthening them and replacing them. Finally, the last chapter lists all the compositions for the conservation of teeth and gums. The chapters are very well structured and pleasant to read, and Bourdet’s language is more fluid than that of his “guide” – the famous Chirurgien dentiste by Fauchard – mentioned in the preface. Building on his spiritual father in dentistry, Bourdet brings in many improvements in this new specialty.

The work is richly illustrated with 13 engraved plates depicting tools and mechanical orthodontal apparatus.

Fine copy.

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