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OLIVIER Guillaume-Antoine Voyage dans l’Empire Othoman, l’Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du Gouvernement, pendant les six premières années de la République.


Paris, H. Agasse

3 text volumes, 4to (260 x 202 mm) and an atlas, small folio (332 x 247 mm) illustrated with 50 engraved plates. Contemporary speckled calf, ornamental filets on covers, flat spines gilt using the special decorative tool ‘au bateau’.


1 in stock

Large paper issue nicely bound

Chadenat, 142 ; Schwab, 426 ; Blackmer, 876; Koç, 176; Nissen, ZBI, 3011.

First edition. A large paper copy of the deluxe issue in larger format.

“The work is particularly valued for its splendid plates, after Horace Vernet (genre scenes) and Pierre-Joseph Redouté (natural history). According to BnF, the explication of the plates in the atlas volume is by ‘Dezauche’, probably the cartographer and publisher Jean-Claude Dezauche (f. 1770-1824)” (Koç).

The atlas is complete with all its three parts, each with an individual title page and the explanatory text. Maps, views, costumes and natural history plates are engraved after Meunier, Caraffe, Vernet, Poiteau, Turpin, Redouté and Barraband.

The book was highly successful and editions in Dutch, English and German were rapidly produced.

Provenance: Inscribed by the author “au C.[itoyen] [name ?] de la part de l’auteur”, Château de Rosny et Paul Lebaudy with their respective book plates. Fine inscribed copy, decorated with the special tool ‘Au Bateau”.

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