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LEIBNIZ Gottfried Wilhelm & BERNOULLI Opera omnia, nunc primum collecta, in Classes distributa, præfationibus & indicibus exornata, studio Ludovici Dutens


Genève, apud Fratres de Tournes, 1768

6 parts bound in 7 volumes, 4to (247 x 200 mm) 1 nn.l., VI pp., 1 blank, CCXLIV, 790 pp., 1 blank, engraved portrait in volume I; 1 blank, 1 nn.l., VIII, 400, 291 pp. and 14 folding plates for volume II; 1 blank, VIII, LV, 663 pp. and et 26 folding plates (25 engraved, one typographical) for volume III; VIII, 216, 285 pp. (last blank removed by the binder) for volume IV; 1 nn.l., 647 pp. and one folding plate for volume V; VIII, 632 pp. for volume VI; VI pp., 1 blank, 334 pp., 1 nblank, 344 pp. and one folding plate for volume VII. Contemporary stiff vellum, brown calf spine labels.


1 in stock

Sotheran, II, 10695 ; DSB, VIII, 149-168 ; Brunet, III, 950 : “Collection très recherchée”.

Firtst edition of the collected works, published by Louis Dutens. This is not only the first, but also the most important old edition of Leibniz’ collected works covering all aspects of his writings: mathematics, physics, logic, metaphysics, chemistry, natural sciences, history, law, theology, philology, sinolgy, and more. Richly illustrated with a portrait and 42 plates, this edition contains the eulogy on Leibniz by Fontenelle and the important biography by Jacob Bruckner.

“Leibniz was one of the last universal men of the type which the Italian Renaissance had ideally postulated : philosopher, historian, mathematician, scientist, lawyer, librarian and diplomat. In all these fields either the actual achievements or his seminal suggestions have become part and parcel of European thought” (DSB).

Plates and some quires browned, occasional waterstains, one leaf restored in the margins in volum V without touching the text.

A very good copy.

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