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EULER Leonhard Mechanica sive motus scientia Analytice exposita.


Saint-Pétersbourg, Imprimerie de l’Académie des Sciences, 1736

2 volumes 4to (263 x 205 mm) 8 nn.ll., 480 pp., 14 engraved folding plates for volume I; 4 nn.ll., 500pp., 18 engraved folding plates for volume II. Contemporary boards (light wear).


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Roberts-Trent, Bibliotheca Mechanica, p.103; Poggendorff, I, 689.

First edition of Euler’s first major publication and the first work to apply analysis to the study of mechanics.

“This work serves as an introduction to his later works on celestial mechanics. The first volume is devoted to a discussion of the free motion of the point-mass in a vacuum and in a resisting media. The discussion of such motion under a force directed to a fixed center is a brilliant re-formulation of the corresponding section in Newton’s “Principia”.” Bibl. Mechanica.

Illustrated with 32 folding engraved plates.

A good copy.

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